
Born in Paris, on December 14th, 1967, Stéphane Philémont Montout studies from 1992 till 1999 in the Fine arts(School of Fine Arts) of the city of Paris Montparnasse, in the studios(workshops) of Jean Conté and Antoine Pétel.

He(It) forms, in 2000 and 2003, in the ornamental paint(painting), in the panoramic view to the workshop(studio) of the painters in Decorations(Sets) (Paris) and to the institute Guégand ( Brittany ).

His(Her) workshop(studio) is in Issy les Moulineaux ( 92 ).

He(It) is a member of the association of the Artists to Meudon ( 92 ) who organizes the Sleepless night in this city and the dialogues of workshop(studio) (Doors - opened by the studios(workshops) of the Artists to Meudon).